on February 26, 2018
at 7:42 pm
“Should have brought that Fly-light, CrimFly!”
↓ Transcript
Panel 01: (The Crimson Fly drops in as Janey cries about something that is upsetting her)
The Crimson Fly: Hey, hey, hey.... What's wrong?
Janey: My Caaa-aaaat! He fell down the Sew-eeeeers!
Panel 02: (The Crimson Fly descends into the sewers, while consoling Janey)
The Crimson Fly: Don't you worry. I'll bring it back for you. again. Stay here, okay?
Panel 03: (The Fly continues to climb downward as it gets darker and darker)
The Crimson Fly: Oh, great... It's dark (and I left the fly-signal at home...).
Panel 04: (The Fly begins to wander the sewers, away from the safe light shining from above ground)
The Crimson Fly: Okay, bad idea. But it doesn't have to be if I find the kitten and get out, right?
Panel 05: (The Fly finds the lost cat)
The Crimson Fly: Aw, there you are, bud! That wasn't that hard!
Kitty: "Mrow?"
Panel 06: (As the Crimson Fly stands up, they realize that they've wandered past the safety of the light and it is all dark)
The Crimson Fly: Wait, How far down did I go?
The Crimson Fly: Hey, hey, hey.... What's wrong?
Janey: My Caaa-aaaat! He fell down the Sew-eeeeers!
Panel 02: (The Crimson Fly descends into the sewers, while consoling Janey)
The Crimson Fly: Don't you worry. I'll bring it back for you. again. Stay here, okay?
Panel 03: (The Fly continues to climb downward as it gets darker and darker)
The Crimson Fly: Oh, great... It's dark (and I left the fly-signal at home...).
Panel 04: (The Fly begins to wander the sewers, away from the safe light shining from above ground)
The Crimson Fly: Okay, bad idea. But it doesn't have to be if I find the kitten and get out, right?
Panel 05: (The Fly finds the lost cat)
The Crimson Fly: Aw, there you are, bud! That wasn't that hard!
Kitty: "Mrow?"
Panel 06: (As the Crimson Fly stands up, they realize that they've wandered past the safety of the light and it is all dark)
The Crimson Fly: Wait, How far down did I go?
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